Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Julius Caesar Rhetoric Analysis - 1228 Words

The play Julius Caesar is deeply rooted in Shakespeare’s characteristic methods of rhetoric and persuasion. This play is primarily driven by the technique of persuasion when Cassius has convinced Brutus that must die. This sets the story in motion; however, the plot ending is determined by Antony’s speech to the people. Shakespeare’s method of rhetoric has been the most powerful usage of words and writing, creating the opportunity to collapse kingdoms and rise anew. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar scrutinizes the power of rhetoric by rivaling two speeches, Brutus verses Mark Antony. In the end, it is shown that Antony’s rhetoric to be clearly greater as his effect on the people’s receival is supportive. Clearly, Antony does not have the†¦show more content†¦We know what is in store upon the private utterings of Antony â€Å"O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, That I am meek and gentle with these butchers! (III. ii. 269-270). Brutus’ speech was equally compelling. He uses Pathos creating appeal for the peoples love of Rome â€Å"Romans, country men and lovers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (III. ii. 12-13). Ethos when calling the people his fellow countrymen, saying he has honor and they have wisdom â€Å"Believe me for mine honor, have respect to mine honor that you shall believe. Censure me in your wisdom†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (III. Ii. 15-17). He declares no crime is committed with the statement â€Å"†¦This is my answer: not that I loved Caesar less-but that I loved Rome more† (III. ii.20-22), this announcement is his example of logos, a crime for the greater good of Rome. Cesar is wise and loving he claims which is unwritten irony as he truly does not mean it. His rhetoric questions are, Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman? (III. ii.31-32). Brutus speech was agreeably received as the people cheered him on. Brutus speech permanently fails to successfully win the people over because he does not appreciate or understand them. Largely his failure starts at the beginning when asking the people to, â€Å"Censure me in your wisdom, and wake your senses† (III. Ii. 17-18). His failure to realize that the people are an angry mob and wisdom is lacking due to the shared anger. His argument is delivered coldly and with calculating reasoning. His argument ofShow MoreRelatedRhetoric and Betrayal in Julius Caeser Play1486 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s famous play Julius Caesar utilizes the literary element of rhetoric multiple times throughout to show the true power that words can hold. The rhetoric in Caesar accompanies the play’s themes of betrayal, deception, and exaggeration. Brutus uses rhetoric to persuade the crowd of plebeians that the murdering of Caesar was positive and beneficial to all of Rome, winning their support and causing them to join his cause. 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