Thursday, May 14, 2020

My Self Concept Is Your Overall Perception Of Who You Are

Have you ever thought about why we feel about ourselves the way we do? Do you hate yourself or are you confident about who you are? Either way you feel about yourself, this all comes from your self-concept. According to Steven McCornack’s Reflect and Relate â€Å"self-concept is your overall perception of who you are.† My self-concept is constantly changing due to confidence boosts or if I become depressed and sad; these factors also influence my self-esteem. My self-concept helps determine how well I am able to communicate with others. â€Å"Some psychologists and sociologist have advanced theories that suggest we learn who we are through four basic meaning: our communication with other individuals, our association with groups, roles we assume, and our self-labels† (Beebe 35). The ways in which my self-concept affects how I communicate interested me because, I never thought that there were so many concepts which directly contribute to the way I am able to communicate with others. Some of these concepts include society, stereotypes, culture, gender roles, sexism and many others. For example, if I have a poor self-concept this can make it hard to interact with others. However, if my self-concept is good then I am confident about talking and opening up to other people. For the most part, my self-concept and self-esteem are poor, I do not necessarily hate myself, I am just not very confident. I feel like the people that know me would be shocked to know that myShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Good Officer Or Warden?854 Words   |  4 Pagesbuilding blocks of freedom, justice, and the law. My great grandfather was a police officer, my grandfather was a detective, and my father was a police officer. I personally hope one day to become a Game Warden and follow in my ancestors pursuit of upholding the law and justice. I feel that there are certain psychological attributes that make a good officer or warden. 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